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Welcome to Rockhill Ranch!

We are located in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and have a flock of 10 merino sheep, all ewes, on our small farm. Our sheep spend their days roaming our pastures and enjoying the view and
beautiful sunsets. The sheep also share their pastures with some chickens and a variety of cats and dogs. We love our girls and have named them after famous actresses of the golden age of Hollywood (well, mostly). Each spring we shear and offer whole unwashed fleeces for sale. 

Our Story

Unlike our farming neighbors we have not been farming for generations, nor are we full-time farmers. When we had the opportunity to purchase the farmland adjacent to our property, we jumped at the chance to keep the land from being developed.
But what to do with the land?
After much thought and discussion we decided to invest in sheep and purchased a small flock of purebred white merino sheep. Our focus is on minimal impact to the land and sheep, so we keep our flock small and allow our pastures to grow naturally. Our farmer neighbor hays our fields throughout the year, so the sheep enjoy the bounty of our pastures all year round. As much as possible we try to adhere to organic principles. We do not use pesticides or fertilizers in our fields, and our sheep eat an organic diet.

Our Fleeces

We sell whole fleeces of fine merino wool. Our sheep are free-range and not coated so yes, these fleeces are most definitely ‘natural’. We skirt and remove as much VM as possible, but you should expect some VM in any of our fleeces. These fleeces are ideal for the person who enjoys a fully hands on experience when it comes to processing their own wool for spinning or felting. If you’ve never worked with a raw uncoated fleece you might be put off by the dirt – but don’t let that hold you back. Yes, the fine merino wool will collect dirt, but you will be amazed at the transformation after a good washing.

This is my first attempt at washing wool. I soaked it in cold water then washed twice in Dawn and rinsed. I was pleased at how clean it got, and am amazed at the transformation from a dirty fleece to these white fluffy locks. 

I skirted out a bit of Ingrid’s 2021 fleece and washed it.  Two cold rinses followed by two hot washes in Dawn and a rinse. Don’t be put off by an uncoated fleece – they do wash up beautifully.

After practice with washing some fleeces I took one to the local wool mill and got this beautiful roving back. I can’t wait to start dyeing and felting this wool!

Maude’s fleece was hand washed and turned into this beautiful roving.

Sheep News!

Find out what our sheep have been up to. Here we post regular updates about the ranch and our sheep! 

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